Western Colorado loves the chance to see some of our favorite movies under the stars during the summer months. If you missed this chance in June, there are six weeks left to enjoy 'Movies in the Park' hosted by the Glade Park Volunteer Fire Department.

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Check out the full movie schedule below, and find out how the community of Glad Park offers 9 weeks of free entertainment and how you can help support them and keep it all going next year.

Movies in the Park

Get the family ready and bring a blanket, lawn chairs, and your favorite hoodie or blanket (for cooler nights), to the Glade Park Volunteer Fire Department on DS Road. Movies in the Park is a free event for the public to enjoy. Free movies are funded by the grill and concessions sold each week and by several great community sponsors.

You can enjoy burgers, veggie burgers, polish sausage, popcorn, pop, water, coffee, hot chocolate, candy, popcorn, nachos, chips, and home-baked items. The concession stand is open from 5:30 p.m. until the movie intermission, and the grill opens from 6 p.m. until the movie starts. All movies start at dusk.

Read More: Find One Of Colorado's Hidden Natural Rock Bridges In Glade Park

Glade Park Movies in July

July movie schedule
Pixar Animation Studios, Buena Vista Pictures, Walt Disney Studios

The July movie schedule includes Ratatouille (July 12th), The Santa Clause (July 19th), and Luca (July 26th).

Glade Park Movies in August

August Schedule
DreamWorks Pictures, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Studios

The movie schedule in August will include Madagascar (August 2nd), Harry and the Hendersons (August 9th), and Up (August 16th).

KEEP GOING: The Colors and Scents Mosquitos Love and Hate

Avoid being eaten alive by mosquitos this summer by giving yourself a fighting chance with these DIY repellents you can use today. Please scroll through the gallery below to find out what colors attract these little blood-suckers, which colors they ignore, and what kinds of scents will keep them away all day.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

LOOK: The Awesome Trail to Miracle Rock in Glade Park, Colorado

Take the ride up to Glade Park, Colorado, and see the incredible Miracle Rock

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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Students at District 51 Schools in Western Colorado will say goodbye to the following devices during classroom hours beginning at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams